
You, Yes you, Go get on your bike and go for a ride!!


Its so easy see NO HANDS!!

My 20 Mile Biking Adventure Ride

I biked 10 miles to my house from Hadden House took a 15 minute water stretch break cause well did I mention 10 miles!?!




The I proceeded to make my way back to Hadden house. I went a different route this time, needed more of a view.

The view happen to be every restaurant possible and I was STARVING but I managed to hold it together and  I passed McDonald’s, GO ME!


 It was my first ride of the year and it was a doosey! Maybe a little too much but I guess I was excited. I did it though and feel pretty good. Now can’t wait to get my run in tomorrow!!

Remember When…

Today I was intrigued by a small conversation on one of my followers walls on Twitter Linda @Roman_Girl


As you can see in picture she asked why a 6 year old needs an iPad Touch? Well some will say just go with it times change and that’s just how it is. Okay fine you raise your babies your way I’ll stick with mine!

We all continue to say over and over again “I remember when I was young…”, well why do we have to only remember? Why can’t we put down our iPad Touches, iPhones, and other electronics and make new remember when moments with our kids?!?!

This is such a controversial subject along with spanking and all those other “I know the best way to raise kids” subjects. In my opinion though I just want my kids to have a full life, childhood. This world keeps repeating how the Earth is disappearing and one day we won’t have trees or fresh water and to seize the moments and days. So next time don’t just tell your kids go play and let them find the Wii or IPad, go find the fun with them. Build that tree fort you told them you had as a kid or build that bike ramp you have that scar on your knee from!!





Seriously I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to sit and talk about how AWESOME their life is, do you?

Okay, so I am putting it out there NOW, I love to!!! I love talking about myself and all the great things going on in my life. So I’ll start with this simple BRAG POST to get you on track with whats going on then I’ll update every month with a brag post so you aren’t bored to death with tedious everyday brag post, unless you tell me otherwise and you want them everyday?!?!?!



I have kids!!!!!!!!!!

Two of my own and 4 step-kids(well soon to be)


(^did I get them all?)



Megan isn’t just my friend, she is my person! She knows it all and she is family to me.I am Auntie to her babies and she is to mine. COULDN’T and CAN’T live without her!

BEnpsHhCAAATfEmI own a CHEVY SILVERADO!! Yes I am a Chevy girl and wouldn’t want it any other way!!!

A_s4l7dCIAAd-iJI was a CUTE BABY!!


I have an Iguana!! He is pretty young still and getting use to us.I know he is going to fit right in and we will have tons of fun!


I am LOVED!!!! No matter what is going on in my life I know that no matter where I turn I have someone to lift me up and tell me I am loved and I can do anything I put my mind to!! That right there is something to brag about!!



As silly as it may seem you know every girl no matter what still get butterflies and red faced when she gets flowers. It makes me feel like a million dollars and I can’t help but smile (Greatest Fiance’)


So there is my BRAG POST!

You got something you want to brag about?

Are you a lucky Lady or Gent?

You have everything you ever wanted?

Nails Nails Nails

Detroit Pink Polka-Dots 

My fiance bought me this Pink Detroit hat on Wednesday and this is where my inspiration for my new nails came from!


It isn’t my best work but it was fun to do some polka-dots again been too long!


Below is a fun “I’m representing Detroit, Michigan” picture. You know you want to do it too!

Do you have a favorite city, state, sports team or something that you like to represent on your nails? 





I posted a few days ago I am a baby blogger. I use to use BlogSpot but just couldn’t get a grip on the concept of sharing, linking, and just getting feedback from other bloggers. So I am here now! I already have had a better experience and I’m excited. I read all these blog help sites but ugh BORING! Step 1 blah blah step 2 blah blah blah, you get the point I am more of a person to person kinda gal. But one thing they kept repeating was what is your goal or subject of your blog. Well I HAVE NO CLUE! I just want to write about what is going on in my life share my nails, fitness, trials I face, and just fun entertaining things like my coffee and wine addictions! Don’t get me wrong if my attention span was better and more focused I’d love to be a Nail blog or a Mom blog only. I’m sure it is way easier to get out blog post and they are way more focused. But I will let you all keep that going and I will stay random and crazy. One of you will find it entertaining I am sure.


So my Bloggy subject today is,

What is your blog focus?

Is it personal?

Is it business?

Is it casual?

Is it entertaining?

Let me know and feel free to let me know if I get too unfocused and random, I know that can be a little annoying. I am hear to entertain you all along with keep myself entertained. Have a great day everyone!

Fighter-Gym Class Heroes

“I’m Kellynns. I’m a runner from M-Town Michigan, and I am a Fighter.”

This is my video!! This is my song!! I love playing with things and making them mine! I could listen to this before every run and BAM motivation! And of course I LOVE Gym Class Heroes, they always have them good jams!

What are your motivations?

Songs, people, or quotes?

Is there something that pushes you to be the better and happier or more fit and healthier you?  Is it anger, hurt, happiness, energy,  or plain determination that gets you through it .

To reach the end with that heart pounding, can’t think, can’t breathe feeling that makes it go away and relaxes you for a moment in time! Leaving the world miles behind you where you left it the moment your feet hit the pavement. Words can motivate us so much and people can too. So when you put music, people and words of encouragement you have MOTIVATION in my eyes or should I say ears.

Motivation we all have it, WHAT IS YOURS??


Sexy Back

Getting my Sexy Back

Back in 2010 I went through a ton of personal stuff and during that time I was very over weight. 180 pounds is what this 5’3 girl is going to admit to. But after a few months of no soda, walking and just trying to be healthier I dropped 55 pounds!!! Yes it was awesome and tons of people didn’t believe me I guess I carried the weight well, I personally think I just hid it under clothes well. But no mater what the point was I lost the weight! Now almost 3 years later I am starting to feel it creep back. 148 pounds is where I am at now, eeeek!


BEFORE 3/28/13

Last summer I met my fiance’ and he got me into running and I took to it like a fish to water! I love it so much, it’s exhilarating  and relaxing.

Bad news it is COLD in Michigan and snow is everywhere and being a fresh runner I just couldn’t do it, so no running for me and that is where my winter pounds have come from.

Here is the GOOD news! 

It is SPRING and time to get back in shape and I have my Best Friend Megan to get my SEXY BACK with!


  • Get my weight to a healthy 125
  • Run a Half-Marathon +3
  • Healthier life style
  • Get my confidence back
  • Wear a HOT SEXY black dress (any dress would be nice though, Me=Tomboy)


 With the help of handy NIKE RUNNING APP I will be posting all my runs and progress with my friend Megan over at

I will update with new more confident pictures of me running, exercising and eating healthy!

 Hope to hear all about your journey’s to health and fitness!


Check out my partner in Fitness Megan’s Sexy Back Story


Quotes- Gossip and Business


“People’s opinions on you and the way you are, simply DO NOT MATTER and NEVER WILL”





I check my horoscope daily but that is as far as it goes on my end.

I love reading it and how most the time it may seem so general cause well, everyone that is an Aquarius is reading it, but it feels like was written just for me. I don’t have the slightest clue really what it all means. The signs, the stars, the planets none of it. Just one of those things I did cause Cosmopolitan told me at 13 to do it and just kept doing it out of habit I guess. But it would be fun to learn more about and find out what it all means.

What does it mean to be an Aquarius woman? 


So what is your sign? 

Do you just read it cause it is there?

What does it mean to you?

Coffee time

What would we do without coffee every morning??

Some of us couldn’t function at all and some aren’t even bothered by the absence of coffee. I am on the fence, I LOVE coffee but I drink it cause I like it, not cause I have to. I go mornings without it and some mornings 6 cups just can’t get enough. I’m a big Folgers in our cup girl. And just this past Christmas we got a Keurig Coffee Maker!! Let’s just say we were PUMPED about it. I drink my coffee with French Vanilla creamer most the time but black just sugar is great and even times plain cream light sugar. So many ways to drink it and so many kinds!! I’m not that into my coffee but it is fun when I see friends freak n flip about lattes, mocha’s and all that other Starbucks jargon.

Here’s me saying Good Morning to all my COFFEE Lovers!!






Previous Older Entries

Jeyna Grace

A Story Begins


Musings, Philosophy, and Books

Maggie Mae's Days

...little tidbits of goodness...

Fearmastery Blog

A map and toolbox to help you master fear and anxiety

Cherry Blossom Pretty

Makeup, beauty, photography

Polish Alcoholic

I confess... I'm addicted to nailpolish

Talin Orfali Ghazarian

Don't ever change yourself to impress someone, cause they should be impressed that you don't change to please others -- When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, always remember that the teacher is always quiet during a test --- Unknown

Fractured Ideals

Livvy's journey from trying to recover from bulimia to living victoriously in Christ.

Prego and the Loon

Pregnant and Dealing With Domestic Violence

Writings of a Mrs

I write, blog, vlog and poet...I wander, I ponder and I recollect ...DIGITAL NOMAD & PHILOSOPHER

Terry Trainer

Hollis Plample

draws comics


My very tiny corner of the mighty blogosphere

My Weight Loss Struggles

My Fight to Get Fit

Mia the Mama

Blogging about my life in paradise

Girls Just Wanna Be Healthy

You won't get the butt you want from sitting on it!

Ooh La La Nail's Blog

A nail polish lover with an iPhone and Wordpress app


Katrina Reese: Short, strange, snarky, singing stand-up comic.

Canetra Says

a blog by Canetra Winn

Mae's Beauty

Nail swatches, Nail art, Make-up looks, Everything Beauty!

NeverTooMuchGlitter Nail Wonderland

Each Nail Is A Tiny Canvas

Fashion Forbes.

💎💎. All Blogs Aren't Created Equal! Welcome to the First & Only Official "Fashion Forbes" Eco-Friendly Blogazine & Exclusive Top Source to Fashion's Elite! Toggle the Side Slide Internet & Drop Down Each Periodical Gravity Grid Article to Discover Upon the Key Fashion Topics. Fashion's Best Kept I.T. Secret! Fashions Catalog & Official Destination. 💎.